

Joy Johnson is a hard-working, once creative chef trying to prove her worth in a male-dominated industry by becoming an executive chef at a fine dining restaurant. She's in a stable but unfulfilling relationship with Dr. Gabe Collins, who literally puts people to sleep for a living. She overhears Gabe talking to his mom and finds an engagement ring and thinks he’s going to propose. James is a charming, passionate man who truly loves his job of tending to the Lewis family maple farm. Unfortunately, his brother David, the financial whiz, shows him spreadsheets that prove that he MUST sell the farm if he can't make the payments. James believes that the farm is more than what you can see on paper and is committed to saving the farm--he just doesn't know how. Joy, driving up to Vermont by herself because Gabe has flown up in advance, gets caught in the middle of a huge snow storm! Fortunately, James comes to her rescue and takes her back to his family farm. When Joy finds out the mechanic has to order a part and it may take a few days, she's upset at first but instantly bonds with the family. In fact, when the car is ready early, she doesn't want to leave. Is her life back home all that she hoped it would be, or has James and his family shown her a different way?

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